Loving God and Loving People

Our leading pastors have been ministering in the Roanoke Valley for over 50 years. Our church leaders have not sought recognition or glory, but have humbly accepted to serve where they are needed. There are hosts of others who teach children, lead small groups, prepare coffee, play instruments, clean, operate the sound board, and so much more to bless our church on Sunday mornings. Each part of the Living Water church body is necessary and worthy of thanks.

For by the grace given me I say to every one of you: Do not think of yourself more highly than you ought, but rather think of yourself with sober judgment, in accordance with the faith God has distributed to each of you. For just as each of us has one body with many members, and these members do not all have the same function, so in Christ we, though many, form one body, and each member belongs to all the others.

Romans 12:3-5

Our Leadership Team

Tim Hatfield - Lead Pastor at Salem/Preaching Elder

Paul Hatfield - Lead Pastor at Northside/Preaching Elder

David Duncan - Youth Pastor/Preaching Team

Leland Duncan - Elder

Jim Kent - Preaching Elder

Chris Harrah - Preaching Elder

Terry Cole - Elder

Brenton Christian - Preaching Team

Jon Lee - Preaching Team

Ben Sperlazza - Worship Team Coordinator

Robert and Elisa Beard - Salem Building Caretakers

Jamie Hatfield - Administration Support

Who are we?

Living Water Christian Church is an independent family of believers who choose to follow Jesus and call ourselves simply, Christian. As reproducing disciples of Jesus Christ, we CONNECT with God through worship, GROW and SERVE in groups and volunteer teams that offer growth opportunities within a larger community of faith.

Every time someone encounters Jesus, he or she has a decision to make – to follow Him or ignore Him. He offers forgiveness and eternal life (Acts 2:36). The Bible tells new believers to abandon sinful habits (Acts 3:19), express their faith verbally (Romans 10:9), and be baptized (immersed) in water (Acts 22:16).  Those who take these steps now, or have taken them previously, are invited to join Living Water as members.

About our kids

All are welcome in our nursery and toddler class in the main building, at the H2O Center, or with parents in the “big” church service. We want families to make the best choice for them and their child. Wherever they are, we know that kids will make noises. Kids will play. And… wherever kids are at Living Water, they will learn about Jesus and the church He loves and the people He died for.

Some months have a fifth Sunday! On those Sundays at Salem, we celebrate an Agape Meal as a family, with all ages together in the service sharing a meal, music, and imparting what God is doing in our lives. On regular Sundays, a regular rotation of faithful volunteers spends time with children in our toddler class and with elementary kids at the H2O Center. Our youth minister, David Duncan, is in our regular preaching rotation. When he preaches, the youth worship with their families in the main building.

Dedicated volunteers invest their time with toddlers, elementary age, and teens on Sunday mornings. Our youth group gathers on Wednesday evenings as well.

For more information about youth group and activities, contact David Duncan at 540-392-2408.